All posts by: Ivo Ganchev

by in Academic

Discussion on Regional Integration Theory at the 2022 LASA Conference

Despite the various challenges and setbacks it constantly faces, Latin American integration has remained resilient and continued to develop, albeit often in a fragmented manner. Most mainstream theories of regional integration are able to explain how this process developed in Europe, but not in other regions. This creates a fundamental contradiction which I am exploring […]

by in Corporate, Public Service

Keynote Speech at China’s Largest Trade Expo (CIFTIS)

As Vice-Chairman of the Bulgaria China Chamber of Commerce, I was very glad to represent eight Bulgarian companies at the 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS). 非常开心又机会在中国国际服务贸易交易会(CIFTIS)代表八家保加利亚的企业! It was a great pleasure for me to deliver a keynote speech on the state of the Bulgarian service sector! The feedback from Chinese companies, […]

by in Academic

Letter of Gratitude from The International Studies Association (ISA)

From April 6 to 9, the International Studies Association (ISA) organized its annual conference. Thousands of scholars participated and presented the latest state-of-the art research in the field of International Studies. It was a pleasure to contribute to the conference in a variety of capacities. The feedback I received from my highly-esteemed colleagues was invaluable. […]

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