
by in Public Service

China-CEEC (17+1) 2021 Business Matchmaking and Provincial Government Dialogue

It was a pleasure to join this year’s virtual business matchmaking round table preceding the China-CEEC annual high-level meeting! On 5 Feb 2021, Liaoning province hosted this important dialogue which featured provincial governors from Central and Eastern Europe and China, as well as senior representatives from relevant chambers and non-governmental organisations As Executive Director of […]

by in Academic

Invited Academic Talk: Biden’s Impact on EU Strategy for Asia

What will be the impact of Biden’s election on the EU’s foreign policy strategy for Asia? 拜登当选会给欧盟对亚战略带来什么影响? Today, I was invited to talk on this topic at a mini-conference with outstanding Chinese scholars from leading institutions such as Peking University, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Beijing International Studies University. 很高兴昨天有机会参加“博士沙龙”,跟北京大学、中国社会科学学院、北京二外语大学等有名的学院讲这个重要的话题。 Each participant analyzed […]

by in Academic

ISA Midwest 2020: Conference Presentation on Structural Materialism

Today, I had the great pleasure of join an insightful panel on International Relations Theory at the ISA (International Studies Association) Midwest 2020 Conference. The ISA is the world’s largest and most prestigious organization of International Relations scholars and it is a delight to engage with a global community of outstanding thinkers. The conference was […]

by in Academic

New Research Article on China and the Pink Wave in Top US Journal World Affairs

Ivo’s latest research article is now available in the top IR journal, World Affairs. The article is entitled “China Pushed the Pink Tide and the Pink Tide Pulled China: Intertwining Economic Interests and Ideology in Ecuador and Bolivia (2005–2014)”. The original submission was accepted with no revisions and it was highly commended by all three […]

by in Public Service

BCCCI in Foshan: New Office Opening Ceremony

I am delighted to announce that we have just opened a new office of the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Southern China in Foshan! 保加利亚中国工业商会很高兴地宣布,我们上周刚刚在广东佛山市开了商会华南区的新办事处! As Executive Director of BCCCI, I first visited Foshan at the beginning of 2019 and immediately noticed rapid economic development in the area. 作为商会的执行董事/理事长,我2019年初第一次去了佛山研究一下这个城市,那时佛山经济迅速的发展给我留了很深的影响。 Less than two […]

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