All posts by: Press Release

by in Academic

New Research Article on China and the Pink Wave in Top US Journal World Affairs

Ivo’s latest research article is now available in the top IR journal, World Affairs. The article is entitled “China Pushed the Pink Tide and the Pink Tide Pulled China: Intertwining Economic Interests and Ideology in Ecuador and Bolivia (2005–2014)”. The original submission was accepted with no revisions and it was highly commended by all three […]

by in Media Interviews

Why is China Expanding EU Freight Train Services to the Nordic Countries?

Finnish transport company Nurminen Logistics launched a new rail freight route between Helsinki and Chongqing in Southwest China. The new route will mainly be used for cold storage transportation of Norwegian salmon to China, but other freight is also planned. Nurminen Logistics already operates a rail container route between Helsinki and Hefei. The new route […]

by in Media Interviews

What Are the Shared Responsibilities of China and the EU in the Post-Pandemic Era?

On Sep 14, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend a virtual meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel European Council President Charles, Michel, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. To learn more about the shared responsibilities for China and the EU in the post pandemic era, Shane Bigham invited Adjunct Professor Ivo Ganchev (Beijing […]

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