New Research Article on IR Theory and Cross-paradigm Frameworks in International Studies
Ivo’s latest research article is now available in International Studies. The article is entitled “A Reflexive Critique of Inter-paradigm Divisions in International Relations Theory: On Anarchy, Hierarchy and Pre-1919 Theory”.
This research is the result of Ivo’s efforts to build cross-paradigm theoretical frameworks. It was inspired by the numerous the recently established links between earlier texts and emerging recent state-of-the-art research.
International Studies was established in 1959 and it seeks to build stronger connections between the discipline of IR and Area Studies, contributing to the growing pluralism which characterizes research in international politics. In terms of IR theory, it welcomes new perspectives, re-interpretations of prominent concepts and re-appraisals of earlier debates.
The abstract is available on the ‘read’ section of this website and the full article can be accessed from SAGE.