
by in Academic

New Research Article on IR Theory and Cross-paradigm Frameworks in International Studies

Ivo’s latest research article is now available in International Studies. The article is entitled “A Reflexive Critique of Inter-paradigm Divisions in International Relations Theory: On Anarchy, Hierarchy and Pre-1919 Theory”. This research is the result of Ivo’s efforts to build cross-paradigm theoretical frameworks. It was inspired by the numerous the recently established links between earlier […]

by in Academic

Discussion on Regional Integration Theory at the 2022 LASA Conference

Despite the various challenges and setbacks it constantly faces, Latin American integration has remained resilient and continued to develop, albeit often in a fragmented manner. Most mainstream theories of regional integration are able to explain how this process developed in Europe, but not in other regions. This creates a fundamental contradiction which I am exploring […]

by in Academic

Call for Book Chapters: Lessons from Regional Responses to Health, Environmental and Security Challenges in Latin America

Emerging challenges in the 21st century transcend traditional state borders and require inter-governmental coordination to produce collective responses, a process that is increasingly embedded in regional and sub-regional organizations. Over 20 of these organizations are located in Latin America where they are entangled in multiple complementary, overlapping and competing agreements. Much of the literature on […]

by in Corporate, Public Service

Productive Discussion with Government Departments from Guangdong

The Bulgaria China Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a highly productive online meeting with a number of departments from the provincial government of Guangdong. During the meeting, cooperation in three sectors was discussed logistics, software and culture/art. Through his work at the Chamber, Ivo hopes to turn Bulgaria into a key logistics facilitating trade […]

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